I think there might be a little confusion as to whats what here on the blog, and round and about on Facebook, so I thought I'd do a post to explain my two brands (don't I sound fancy!?) and what the difference is exactly.
I hope it all makes sense and doesn't leave you feeling more confuzzled!
This blog is called CityGirlSearching. It started as a way for me to showcase some of the interesting places I was visiting around South Africa. Then it branched out to include reviews of makeup and skin care products...then DIY projects. And now it is home to my creative side...with (what I hope & try to be) original posts about pretty things I see, and interesting places I visit. I call my blog a Lifestyle blog, as thats the term I feel best sums up whats this space is. The name came up after touching back down on South African soil after a year teaching English in South Korea. Our travel website while over there was called
FarmboyandCityGirl, and so the CityGirl part has kinda stuck. And I was/am still searching for my place in this world, hence the name CityGirlSearching.
GirlSearching has its own Facebook Page too which you can visit by clicking here.
More recently, my blog has become a place to showcase my beginnings in the world of photography. Which brings me to my next point...
RoxyPictures is the name I have given to my photography brand/business. It might change in the future when I become the best people/pets/places/wedding/lifestyle/travel photographer in the world...but for now, I'm happy with it.
On the RoxyPictures Facebook page, I am only posting images which I feel best showcase my work, while the CityGirlSearching Facebook Page is more of an amalgamation of pretty things I find online, links to my latest posts, and other more random bits and bobs. As I don't have a website for RoxyPictures yet (until it becomes full time I don't want to keep chopping and changing with the brand) so that is my reason for using the Facebook page as my portfolio. I do also post all my images on my blog with my RoxyPictures watermark...so thats another place to go to see more of my photography.
I hope you haven't been too inundated with links here in this post, and that it all is starting to make a little more sense. And if those weren't enough..
You can find CityGirlSearching on
P.S Don't get confused when you see my name and it looks different on some of my personal profiles. I was Roxy Pearce, and since 23rd September 2012 have since become Roxy Hutton (you can find more posts on our vintage farmyard wedding by clicking here).