August 21, 2012

FarmBoy & CityGirl...a year past

I was stalking looking at some old photo's on Facebook a little while ago and I came across these lovely photo's that our wonderfully talented photographer friend Sophie took of Farmboy and myself in Grahamstown last year. Farmboy and I met while studying at Rhodes, and we returned 2 years later for a friends wedding and of course to experience the National Arts Festival again.

Sophie took our engagement photo's earlier this year too! If you are looking for a super awesome photographer, pop on over to her website and get in touch with her, you won't be sorry!

So a year has past since these photo's, and in one months time, we will be married. Photographs are a wonderful thing don't you think, helping to preserve all the good (and sometimes it's not just the good, sad memories are captured inside photographs too). Go take a walk down memory lane, whether it's your Facebook timeline, or an old album...make yourself a nice cup of tea and take a moment to appreciate where you are, or where just how far you have come in life.